Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
Our Relationship with Comics
I was thinking more about this card duo. There are some more lovely interpretations. This is perhaps how we court our relationship with comics in general.
Keep Characters Consistent (or Not)
Recent post excerpt from SAW Founder and Instructor, Tom Hart, in our Six-Month Graphic Novel Intensive on keeping characters consistent… or not. A discussion about the two extremes and the in-between. Read more.
An Article About Grief
An article Tom Hart shared recently in our Graphic Memoir Intensive on GRIEF and how it affects us physically, mentally, and who we are. Check it out here.
On Making Work for the Market
We DO belong somewhere, but the "market" is cruel place. Very few belong there. I wouldn't recommend anyone try it, without a lot of research and planning, like wearing SCUBA gear… So, what should you focus on so you can sell your work?
Interview with my Inner Critic
I'm in Tom's Inner Critic course and tried my hand (and mind) at my Inner Critic interviewing me.
Have any of you tried it yet?
It was strange, but also very relieving. My inner critic is actually very easy to talk to!
I feel like thinking about these questions as if someone was actually asking me them and then answering them instead of just going straight into anxious mode helped me feel lighter. It was almost like self-therapy and it helped me detach myself from my inner critic.
Imposter Syndrome and What I Have to Offer
Imposter syndrome, trouble drawing from my imagination, what do I have to offer, and time… does everyone deal with this?
Voice and Narration
Explore different types of narration in your comics, which styles do you tend to write in?
Your inner critic is killing your spirit
The Critic Asks:
“...Who do you think you are to try that, to do that, to attempt that, to show that...?
WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?” But the critic has no idea who you are. The critic only knows who you're not.
SAW Students in the Comic World
Our 2021 6 Month Graphic Novel Development Intensive is in its infancy but students are already diving into the material full blast and sharing themselves and their work with the SAW community. Here are just two of the talented artists in the 2021 Graphic Novel Intensive showcasing work they already contribute to the comics world.
What is Your Artist Like?
What is your artist like? What is your WRITER like? How else are the two separate for you and what metaphors work for you?
Make Small Things and Finish
Draw the critic. Have a dialogue with it. Talk to it. Pick it with pins. Visualizing the internal struggles we have usually helps (a little). You just gotta transfer your understanding and competence with finishing something you can typically finish to comics. Not your competence with the medium, just your competence with finishing.
Do You Ever Worry That You Won't Get it Right?
Do You Ever Worry That You Won't Get it Right? Here are some thoughts from NY Bestselling Graphic Novelist and SAW Founder, Tom Hart.
The Small Project BEFORE The Project
For anyone working on what feels like (or is) a "big idea" and not knowing how to start. OFTEN, a creator will make a small piece, either to get moving, or not realizing it is about to become a bigger thing. This is great, and it's encouraged! See more.
Layne Glasgow and the Artistic Process
An insight on the Artistic Process from Student and Graphic Novelist, Layne Glasgow.
Who will read my comic?
Who will read my comic? The question of why am I doing this? Who am I making this for? How do I get in? How do I reach people? Does anyone care?
What's happening at SAW?!
Fortnightly Wrap-up post of what’s been going on at SAW! We MOVED, Year-Long Students are now in their 3rd session, new course, virtual draw jams, and more!
Giving ourselves gifts in 2021
Like all of us, I need to get through the resistance some times. I over-think everything. I don't know my own voice. I'm adhering to someone else's standards. And I'm afraid of what everyone will think if I fail, and I know I will fail.
One way out of this is to produce work, lots of work, and to damn the torpedoes as far as the critical voice goes. (We can use our critical voice later, when we need a dialogue about who we are, what our style is, what we want to say...)
Isolation, community and rebuilding
We all learned a lot about community. In 2020 we all moved online, and there, our SAW community expanded so much. Zoom calls! Shared projects! Shared despair! Shared help and shared love!
Enhance your Comics with Basic Lettering (Video Tutorial)
Comics are all about drawing words and writing art (think about it), but not every comic needs lettering or bubbles. In fact, there are many amazing silent comics out there that tell a story without ever using a thought bubble! However, including lettering and balloons in comics are very common. These inclusions can sometimes even enhance your comics.