Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
Student Spotlight: Jeff Eggleston
This week, we’re sharing some words, thoughts, and work from SAW student, Jeff Eggleston, as he posted in the SAW Online Community!
See how Jeff spent his Labor Day last week.
Interview with my Inner Critic
I'm in Tom's Inner Critic course and tried my hand (and mind) at my Inner Critic interviewing me.
Have any of you tried it yet?
It was strange, but also very relieving. My inner critic is actually very easy to talk to!
I feel like thinking about these questions as if someone was actually asking me them and then answering them instead of just going straight into anxious mode helped me feel lighter. It was almost like self-therapy and it helped me detach myself from my inner critic.
What’s been going on at SAW lately? Check out what we’ve all been up to the last few weeks with the SAW gang, SAW courses, and the Mighty Network groups!
What's Happening at SAW!
Check out what’s been going on at SAW recently! End of the 2020-2021 Year Long Program, Pro-Call Information, Friday Night Comics Reading, and more!
Layne Glasgow and the Artistic Process
An insight on the Artistic Process from Student and Graphic Novelist, Layne Glasgow.
SAW ROUND UP! Abstract Comics, Expanding Ideas, and more!
Check out what we’ve all been up to the last few weeks with the SAW gang, SAW courses, and the Mighty Network groups! Snakes, Comic Finals, Expanding Ideas, and more!
Deep Dive into Western Comics History
History alone is always evolving, since new things are constantly surfacing about our past, and Comics History in the Western world is no different.
SAW’s Western Comics History course is always evolving as we find new sources to cover about diversity and technique in comics while also reflecting on how far comics have travelled to be where they are in today’s Western world.
"I've been struggling to pull a full story together.."
We're proud of the testimonials we've gotten at SAW, so I hope you don't mind if we share a few.
Another amazing testimonial
SAW gives you maximum resources and minimal bullshit. It’s small. It’s close. You are literally surrounded by comics. There’s no grades, no suffocating “I’m-the-teacher” hierarchy. What you get is professionals who have collectively mastered the whole range of comics, and a dozen other nerds to learn from them with.
You will crank out work faster than you ever have before. You will have three hour conversations about R. Crumb’s crosshatching. You’ll see things you didn’t think were possible. You won’t be able to go to sleep from all the ideas that keep coming to you. You will learn what it is like to be passionate and you will feel as if you can do anything.