Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
What’s going on at SAW in November, December and January in person at the SAW Studio!
Visionary Comics Workshop 2024 🐊
In late July, we gathered in-person in swampy Gainesville, FL, for a full week of COMICS-MAKING FUN at SAW!
Submit your comic for a live reading at the SAW Studio! Submissions due: October 1
Event is on November 15!
Upcoming SAW Pro-Call with Jamila Rowser - November 14
Our next Pro-Call is with Jamila Rowser! Come join us in our most affordable, online ongoing-community SAW FLOW + PUBLISH MEMBERSHIP GROUP (comes with a two-week free trial) to join in on MONTHLY PRO-CALLS!
We bring in comic professionals from all walks of life to guest speak (virtually) at SAW. These guest speakers give SAW students/members some insight from their personal experiences throughout their comics career and welcome questions at the end of each session. Come join us!
In-Person Visiting Artist Weeklong Workshop with Tommi Parrish Recap!
We had such a productive week from our last in-person Visiting Artist Workshop led by award-winning cartoonist, Tommi Parrish @tommi_pg (and their dog, Cool Dog)! Here are only a few photos taken from the week demonstrating how Tommi created an atmosphere of looseness and play while having students work on a combination of book making, playing with different DIY printing techniques, painting with gouache, and more! Tommi finished the week off by giving an artist talk over at local, indie bookstore, Third House Books.
Artist Talk with Tommi Parrish @ Third House Books
At the end of Tommi Parrish's (@tommi_pg) Week-Long Visiting Artist Workshop in the SAW Studio space, please join us for a FREE (in-person) Artist Talk with Tommi on October 20th at 7:30PM. This event will take place at local, indie bookstore @thirdhousebooks! We hope to see you there!
Against the A.I. with Tom Hart
Don't miss our next *WE BELIEVE IN COMICS* SAW's Friday Night Workshop: Against the A.I. with Tom Hart @hutchowen this Friday August 25, 2023 @ 7PM EST. https://bit.ly/saw-tomhart
Friday Night Comics Recap: Music That Moves You with Abby Kacen!
If you missed our most recent *WE BELIEVE IN COMICS* Friday Night Workshop, catch the replay below! We had a great time with Abby Kacen who had us making comics about MUSIC and who knew all the amazing stories that would come out? Come check it out! Thanks for coming to the SAW Friday Night Workshops! We hope you have a good time enjoying some creative community and art-making!
Friday Night Comics Recap: Book Review Comics with E. Haidle!
If you missed our most recent *WE BELIEVE IN COMICS* Friday Night Workshop, catch the replay below! We had a great time with Elizabeth Haidle who had us making book reviews in comic form. We mixed up characters and made animals tell the story of our favorite childhood books and even made up some books! It was a lot of fun. Come take a look!
Friday Night Comics Recap: Your Teenage Self with Sarah Mirk!
Catch the replay of our most recent Friday Night Comics Workshop with Sarah Mirk! We first explored a 10 minute drawing challenge—in the top quarter of the page, draw a full body portrait of yourself as a teen wearing one of those significant clothing items. You can draw simple (you can be a blob)! Then, we tried to incorporate some details that help visually tell the story of who we were—Maybe label the important clothing item, tell us what it is and when and where you got it. What would you carry around as a teen?
No Straight Lines Viewing Party with Q+A
Intimate yet expansive, No Straight Lines chronicles the rise of five DIY comic artists who were part of an artistic movement that ushered LGBTQ art into the mainstream.
Reply Friday Night Comics Tom Motley's Daredoodles
We had a great time with Tom Motley from SVA who brought us through DAREDOODLES, some inventive ways to make characters and comics!
Exclusive Call with Tom Devlin from Drawn + Quarterly
Come join us in our most affordable, online ongoing-community SAW FLOW + PUBLISH MEMBERSHIP GROUP (comes with a two-week free trial) to join in on MONTHLY PRO-CALLS!
Once a month, we bring in comic professionals from all walks of life to guest speak (virtually) at SAW. These guest speakers give SAW students/members some insight from their personal experiences throughout their comics career and welcome questions at the end of each session. Come join us!
Our next Monthly-Pro Call is with Tom Devlin of Drawn & Quarterly!
SAW @ Gainesville's Downtown Festival and Art Show
SAW's staying local and tabling at Gainesville's Downtown Festival and Art Show this weekend! November 19-20. Drop in to say hi, learn more about SAW, and talk comics!
Virtual and In person: Jess at Brookline Booksmith 11/13
On Sunday November 13th, I'll be doing a Q and A with Heather-Hopp Bruce from the Boston Globe at Brookline Booksmith. We worked together when I serialized early excerpts of the graphic novel with them (you can read those online for free I think, here and here, though there is sometimes a paywall.)
Come join us in our most affordable, online ongoing-community SAW FLOW + PUBLISH MEMBERSHIP GROUP (comes with a two-week free trial) to join in on MONTHLY PRO-CALLS!
MICE Recap!
Had a great time seeing some familiar faces around the network this past weekend at the Massachusetts Indie Comics Expo! Thanks again to everyone who stopped by to say hello, and welcome to anyone and everyone new to SAW who signed up after learning more about us!
Pro-Call with Wendy Pini October 17
This October, we have TWO Pro-Calls and we're inviting everyone to this one.
SAW Pro-Call with Wendy Pini! | Monday October 17, 2022 @ 2PM EASTERN TIME
TOM RETURNS! In-Person July Visionary Comics Workshop!
Week-Long Comics Workshop for Students, Teachers and other Visionaries! Led by SAW founder Tom Hart, a workshop about discovery + potential!