Another amazing testimonial
From Joseph Garland, who is doing amazing Guston- inspired paintings in NYC right now.
Look, I don’t even make comics anymore, but SAW is bar none the most important schooling I’ve ever gotten. I learned more in that year than I did in 3 years in a university art department.
SAW gives you maximum resources and minimal bullshit. It’s small. It’s close. You are literally surrounded by comics. There’s no grades, no suffocating “I’m-the-teacher” hierarchy. What you get is professionals who have collectively mastered the whole range of comics, and a dozen other nerds to learn from them with.
You will crank out work faster than you ever have before. You will have three hour conversations about R. Crumb’s crosshatching. You’ll see things you didn’t think were possible. You won’t be able to go to sleep from all the ideas that keep coming to you. You will learn what it is like to be passionate and you will feel as if you can do anything.
The worst mistake I made was to go back to college. I watched as a system slowly drained the life force that SAW had filled me with. It took me 2 years of hard struggle (and finally dropping out) to get back to the level of motivation and purpose I had at SAW. Thank God I’m back on that level now, and thank God for SAW.
Thanks Joseph! Check out his instagram, where he is cranking out cool Guston-inspired (and do I detect a hint of Morandi? These are great influences!)