Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
How the Governor Stole Arts funding for the whole state
State Governor axed ALL STATE ARTS FUNDING in 2024 and 2025. What does it mean for Florida and SAW?
Behind the Scenes: An End of January Report
Welcome to our first monthly report for 2022! Buckle in. This is a long one.
These end of month reports are a way to share what’s been happening in our in person and online programs, and remind everyone about what they need to be keeping an eye out for.
SAW is Proud to Announce Two Recent $1,000 Donations
At SAW, we stand with those who have put their lives on the line for generations to fight for equal rights, equal footing, equal safety and equal expression. SAW was formed humbly, but from a privilege that we acknowledge and we commit now to creating equality in our realm, the realm of comics and teaching comics…
Spot SAW from Main Street!
Check it out! We have a sign! You can now easily spot us whenever you're travelling along south Main Street here in Gainesville, Florida.
What's happening at SAW?!
Fortnightly Wrap-up post of what’s been going on at SAW! We MOVED, Year-Long Students are now in their 3rd session, new course, virtual draw jams, and more!
A Place of Transformation
The Sequential Artists Workshop has been a catalyst in transforming many who come into its community.
SAW has a Patreon- a platform where a small monthly donation can directly support the school!
Your Inspiration Needed!
SAW's new space for 2018. Help us plan it out! Tell us your favorite arts space in the comments!