On Making Work for the Market
from Austin Kleon's book, Keep Going.
"We DO belong somewhere, but the "market" is cruel place. Very few belong there. I wouldn't recommend anyone try it, without a lot of research and planning, like wearing SCUBA gear.
Anyway, luckily, here in the 21st century, we can find other places to belong, and other people to surround ourselves with. Online and hopefully in our towns too.
I recommend chapter 4, MAKE GIFTS from Austin Kleon's amazing book, Keep Going.
He says,
‘We’re now trained to heap praise on our loved ones by using market terminology. Any minute anybody shows any talent for anything, we suggest they turn it into a profession. This is is our best compliment: telling somebody they’re so good at what they love to do they could make money at it.
We used to have hobbies; now we have “side hustles.” As things continue to get worse in America, as the safety net gets torn up, and as steady jobs keep disappearing, the free-time activities that used to soothe us and take our minds off work and add meaning to our lives are now presented to us as potential income streams...’
‘...Be sure there’s at least a tiny part of you that’s off-limits to the marketplace. Some little piece that you keep for yourself.’
-Tom Hart
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