Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
Upcoming Pro-Call with Bishakh Som
Join us for our next Pro-Call with the incredible Bishakh Som, creator of Apsara Engine and Spellbound. During this call, Som will share insights into her groundbreaking body of work, past and present—including a glimpse of her forthcoming fiction release with Abrams/Surely.
Upcoming SAW Pro-Call with Remeina Yee Jan. 31!
We bring in comic professionals from all walks of life to guest speak (virtually) at SAW. These guest speakers give SAW students/members some insight from their personal experiences throughout their comics career and welcome questions at the end of each session. Come join us!
Our next Pro Call is with Remeina Yee!
Recap of Georgia Webber Pro-Call
We had a great call with comics artist, health explorer, deep listener and community builder, Georgia Webber this past week! Webber guided us through what drew her to comics; her early work as an editor and designer (including a double zine bound on each side and held together); the process of DUMB, which was heavily thought out but then drawn directly in ink; and her collaboration in “Dancing After TEN,” in which she was tasked with illustrating the story of Vivian Chong's life with Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) and how it eventually affected her vision.
Upcoming SAW Pro-Call with Georgia Webber on Career and Health Jan. 10
Come join us in our most affordable, online ongoing-community SAW FLOW + PUBLISH MEMBERSHIP GROUP (comes with a two-week free trial) to join in on MONTHLY PRO-CALLS!
SAW Pro-Call with Georgia Webber on Career and Health.
Georgia Webber is a comics artist, editor, and facilitator living in Newfoundland. She is entirely occupied by the intersection of health and art, making music, comics, and facilitating courses from this point of fascination.
The Pain of Who We Aren't
The Pain of Who We Aren't
"Take a look at yourself in the mirror.
Do you look like you? Do you look like you want to? Hopefully you do, but most of us don't. Most of us feel STUCK with the person in the mirror. But I also know that if you feel you want to be someone else, or somewhere else, THAT PAIN is exactly what you should be writing and drawing about...
In fact, I will go to the mat about this: any story worth a damn is about someone who is somewhere they don't want to be.
I'm going to say that again: Every good story is about someone who is not who they want to be, but who pushes on anyway…
What Does Finished Look Like?
What does finished look like to you? Try to create and FINISH something, a panel, a page, a full-mini comic. When does it look FINISHED? How do you know? What does "finished" look like?
On Making Work for the Market
We DO belong somewhere, but the "market" is cruel place. Very few belong there. I wouldn't recommend anyone try it, without a lot of research and planning, like wearing SCUBA gear… So, what should you focus on so you can sell your work?
Interview with my Inner Critic
I'm in Tom's Inner Critic course and tried my hand (and mind) at my Inner Critic interviewing me.
Have any of you tried it yet?
It was strange, but also very relieving. My inner critic is actually very easy to talk to!
I feel like thinking about these questions as if someone was actually asking me them and then answering them instead of just going straight into anxious mode helped me feel lighter. It was almost like self-therapy and it helped me detach myself from my inner critic.
Your inner critic is killing your spirit
The Critic Asks:
“...Who do you think you are to try that, to do that, to attempt that, to show that...?
WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?” But the critic has no idea who you are. The critic only knows who you're not.