Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
Year Long Program Live Preview
We want you making comics!
Tom Hart will show you 18 tips you can take with you from our Year Long Program in this free LIVE TRAINING.
Happening occasionally in June and July and maybe August. Click here to sign up for free!
How to Get Past That Inner Critic
I like to think that we can TRAIN the inner critc, first to become a NOTICER, and then, a SUGGESTER.
The Critic likes to ask, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?
But the critic has no idea who you are. The critic only knows who you're not.
Tom Hart's UMF Visit!
My trip to University of Maine Farmington---
I had such a GREAT TIME at the University of Maine in Farmington. The fantastic writer Amy Neswald invited me up to give a workshop and a talk, and it was terrific.
TOM RETURNS! In-Person July Visionary Comics Workshop!
Week-Long Comics Workshop for Students, Teachers and other Visionaries! Led by SAW founder Tom Hart, a workshop about discovery + potential!
End of Year Executive Directors Statement
Tom has put together some of his reflections on the year that was and shared them across our many networks. Please read for yourself, and accept these good wishes for the end of 2021 and the new year to come! Happy comics making to you all!
Punching Through and Recognition
A great post from Tom Hart on the conversation about art, and towards posterity.
Towards recognition.
Looking for that big picture
Let us convince you the SAW Mighty Network is the best place to get your comics inspiration and stay motivated with a community of creators to support you!
A Place of Transformation
The Sequential Artists Workshop has been a catalyst in transforming many who come into its community.
Tom Hart's The Art of the Graphic Memoir is out now!
The Art of the Graphic Memoir - is out NOW
You can buy it from:
From Barnes and Noble
From IndieBound
From Powells
From Amazong
The Sequential Artists Workshop is now accepting applications for 2019-2020!
The Sequential Artists Workshop is now accepting applications for 2019-2020: Live, breathe, eat, and sleep comics for an entire year!
The Art of the Graphic Memoir from Tom Hart - out Nov 6!
When I finished Rosalie's book, I still had a lot of processing to do. I wanted to further understand what I had went through. I looked at the books that had inspired me, and I asked what made them great, useful, inspiring.
A Walk Through Comix 2000 - Episode 3 - Peggy Adam
Continuing the WALK THROUGH COMIX 2000, this episode a delightful 3-page story by Peggy Adam
Tom Hart interviewed on Your Creative Push
In this interview, I discuss a little of my artistic educational journey, how I was able to continue working on comics through my initial artistic shortcomings.