Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
PRE-ORDER | The Shape of Comics to Come by Derek Ballard
SAW's teamed up with Derek Ballard as he returns to the comics zine format with The Shape of Comics to Come, a 36-page lashing of American contemporary culture. As if fueled by destitution rather than maimed, Ballard erects a makeshift tabernacle of rare sincerity with idiosyncratic Sunday funnies style and extends a cadence call hymn of welcome. These comics are just the MREs you need to keep on the firing line.
How to storyboard for Adventure Time and still be a father of three
Derek Ballard came and talked about working for Adventure Time. I love this 45 seconds where he talks about being a parent of three and how it made its way into the final script.
Here's a couple pics.