Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
How the Governor Stole Arts funding for the whole state
State Governor axed ALL STATE ARTS FUNDING in 2024 and 2025. What does it mean for Florida and SAW?
Tips on Drawing Hands!
Have you had trouble drawing hands? Hands can be hard!
One of our students shared a PDF with resources that they use to help them draw hands and we’re here to share it with you! Link below.
Punching Through and Recognition
A great post from Tom Hart on the conversation about art, and towards posterity.
Towards recognition.
Hi (Part One)
Read about past student, Emma, and her experience at SAW. In the first of two parts she describes why it is she wants to stay in Gainesville. Pledge your support over at Patreon to follow her story!
Get Ready for the Tween and Teen Comics Class in January 2019!
In this 6-week comics-making class, we'll build basic comics creation skills through exercises and short projects. Students will learn cartooning techniques and tools, design their own characters, practice drawing action, backgrounds and objects, and explore how to tell great stories in comics form.
SAW has a Patreon- a platform where a small monthly donation can directly support the school!
OMG - SO MANY upcoming art classes and shows in Gainesville!
There are so many exciting and inspiring art classes coming to Gainesville starting this fall- come check it out!!
The Sequential Artists Workshop is now accepting applications for 2019-2020!
The Sequential Artists Workshop is now accepting applications for 2019-2020: Live, breathe, eat, and sleep comics for an entire year!
How to run an alternative art school, week 2
Weeks 1 and 2 in our new space, with our newest students. How do you run an art school? How do you create community? And teach art students to become artists?