This week Jess and Tom talked all about creative collaboration!
Comics can often be a solitary endeavor, but you'll find lots of ways to collaborate with other people—be it editors, writers, artists, colorists, copy editors, designers, publishers, or co-creators!
Either way, there's lots to gain from working with others on a shared project, from morale boosts and accountability systems, to practical knowledge sharing and the creative alchemy of multiple minds coming together.
But how do collaborations happen? How do you make them successful? How can you maximize fun and minimize pain in the process?
There's lots of advice in this episode, but the core of it is to establish clear communication and boundaries and to have a shared goal with your collaborators.
Over in Comics FLOW+ Publish, Tom shared this exercise from his book, How to Say Everything:
This reference is full of great advice on collaborating and other aspects of the comics process!
Some Notes from the call:
When collaborating with others, have a shared goal in mind!
What level of control is important for you when working on a project? The older Jess gets, the less control she seems to want, but she does have boundaries and expectations she tries to be clear on from the beginning. Sometimes collaborating will help you refine what you find valuable about the experience.
You can collaborate with yourself! This kinda happens with our inner critic, but also in fun examples like when Tom Hart finds an old note in his sketchbook or a lovely drawing he's charmed by and wants to revisit. Treasure in the archives!!
Coming back to old stuff you left behind can make it feel new and exciting again, no longer bogged down by your inner critic. He suggested inducing this effect more immediately by sitting down and trying really hard to forget what you drew, then coming back to it later with new eyes.
Above all else, the keys to keep in mind when collaborating are establishing CLEAR COMMUNICATION, SHARED GOALS, and MUTUAL RESPECT; and finding balance in your level of personal CONTROL, AGENCY, and FUN!
There's more where that came from, so check out the full episode!
Happy making!
Do you have a story inside you that’s just itching to come out, but want some guidance to help push it out?
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