Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
Upcoming IN-PERSON events for September 2023!
Upcoming IN-PERSON events for September 2023! Kicking off September, SAW alums host a FREE in-person Draw Jam on Sept. 2 in the SAW Studio (and on the first Saturday of every month)! Mid-September we have an in-person course with M.S. Harkness, a FREE Live Comics Reading, and a FREE Drink + Draw Jam @drinkndrawgnv. And starting at the end of September, teens can join us in the SAW Studio for 10 weeks of intensive comics-making for our Fall Open Studio with Carly Shooster @hunger_eating_munch!
IN-PERSON Fall Teen Comics Workshop
In this fall teen comics class, students will be developing their comics making skills, flexing their storytelling muscles and trying their hand at new image making techniques.
By the end of the 10 weeks, each student will walk away with multiple comics pages and a reproducible comics zine. They will also have an opportunity to exhibit their work in a Friday night artwork exhibition Friday November 25.
Explode the Rules of the Page!
We’re a little late with our Mighty Network weekly round-up, but we promise we’ve been using our time wisely and keeping very, very busy. Here’s our latest recap. Enjoy!
Get Ready for the Tween and Teen Comics Class in January 2019!
In this 6-week comics-making class, we'll build basic comics creation skills through exercises and short projects. Students will learn cartooning techniques and tools, design their own characters, practice drawing action, backgrounds and objects, and explore how to tell great stories in comics form.
OMG - SO MANY upcoming art classes and shows in Gainesville!
There are so many exciting and inspiring art classes coming to Gainesville starting this fall- come check it out!!
Teen Art Show Oct 19! 6-8 PM
Our summer teen tween comics art students made great work and have waited a whole 3 months for a celebratory art show, while we moved our whole school!
Come out on Oct 19 and celebrate the hard work they did and grab a copy of the anthology of work made during the two-week program.