Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
Are we making art and stories or are we performing rites and rituals?
Lately, I’ve been thinking that to some degree, especially in the Graphic Memoir / Medicine genre, we are seeing our storytelling return to the function of Rite and Ritual. (Note, I’m accidentally using rites and rituals a little interchangeably, though as I understand it, technically a ritual exists within the larger rite.)
Review - Vagina Love: An Owners Manual by Lili Sohn
We review Lili Sohn’s translated Vagina Love: An Owners Manual, yours to read in English through Street Noise Books in February 2022.
Sometimes You Gotta
So, I'm doing a memoir comic. Yeah, it's got an anthropomorphic bear and a Gumby-looking guy and the stories aren't 100% "true" but it's a memoir nonetheless..
That is part of the reason I decided to fly home to New Hampshire for a weekend this fall…
Making Comics Hurts! Is This You?
We all have different set-ups, different positions we like to be in when we draw, different places we like to work. Whatever your way of working, if you’re having BACK-PAINS, WRIST PAIN, NECK PAIN, or more, check out this great read!
You Know You're a Graphic Memoirist When...
You Know You're a Graphic Memoirist When... What do you have to say? Check out this exclusive post from one of our ongoing Online Intensive programs: SAW’s Graphic Memoir Intensive (led by Instructors Tom Hart and Beth Trembley)!
Tom Hart's The Art of the Graphic Memoir is out now!
The Art of the Graphic Memoir - is out NOW
You can buy it from:
From Barnes and Noble
From IndieBound
From Powells
From Amazong
The Art of the Graphic Memoir from Tom Hart - out Nov 6!
When I finished Rosalie's book, I still had a lot of processing to do. I wanted to further understand what I had went through. I looked at the books that had inspired me, and I asked what made them great, useful, inspiring.
Introduction to Justine Mara Andersen's New Mara project
Justine Mara Andersen re-launches MARA and discusses page 1. Justine has been busy prepping her files and pages to discuss with her students. This is a glimpse of a 32-page comic in progress, with valuable insights Justine is offering into the creative decision-making process on each page.
Continuity and Purpose
I've been realizing lately why we tell our stories. It's to take our narrative for ourselves. And especially, to find continuity in our lives.