Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
Comics 102 starting January 8
We’re beginning the year with the follow up to Comics 101 with Comics 102, developing our comics fundamentals for another 5 weeks of story telling!
OMG - SO MANY upcoming art classes and shows in Gainesville!
There are so many exciting and inspiring art classes coming to Gainesville starting this fall- come check it out!!
Cut-ups and Spills: Making Abstract Comics - Nov. 11
This is a playful one day workshop based on expanding your visual vocabulary with found and traditional materials.
Drawing from the Depths | new class with Leela Corman
In Drawing from the Depths, students develop authentic approaches to creating emotionally charged work without resorting to cliche or sentimentalism. In class, we’ll discuss works by artists who excel at delving into deep emotional terrain.