Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
In-Person Visiting Artist Weeklong Workshop with Tommi Parrish Recap!
We had such a productive week from our last in-person Visiting Artist Workshop led by award-winning cartoonist, Tommi Parrish @tommi_pg (and their dog, Cool Dog)! Here are only a few photos taken from the week demonstrating how Tommi created an atmosphere of looseness and play while having students work on a combination of book making, playing with different DIY printing techniques, painting with gouache, and more! Tommi finished the week off by giving an artist talk over at local, indie bookstore, Third House Books.
Artist Talk with Tommi Parrish @ Third House Books
At the end of Tommi Parrish's (@tommi_pg) Week-Long Visiting Artist Workshop in the SAW Studio space, please join us for a FREE (in-person) Artist Talk with Tommi on October 20th at 7:30PM. This event will take place at local, indie bookstore @thirdhousebooks! We hope to see you there!
October Visiting Artist Workshop with Tommi Parrish
We're so excited to announce that our next in-person Visiting Artist Workshop will be lead by award-winning cartoonist, Tommi Parrish (@tommi_pg). Join Tommi in the SAW space October 16 to 20. The class will be a combination of book making, playing with different DIY printing techniques, and painting with gouache based on writing exercises. Each part will draw on Tommi's own creative practice.
Get Messy and Get Making with Jackie Davis
We asked Jackie Davis some questions in readiness for our weeklong visiting artists workshop in March!
Comics Workshop with Jackie E. Davis, March 2-6, 2020
Spend a week immersed in comics, learning from cartoonist and fan favorite creator of Underpants and Overbites Jackie E. Davis. From March 2-6, 2020, at Sequential Artists Workshop, in Gainesville, FL.
Comics Workshop with Julia Gfrorer: March 5 - 8 2018
Plumb the dark depths of your inspiration with master cartoonist Julia Gfrörer.
March 5 - 8 2018 at the Sequential Artists Workshop in Gainesville, FL.