Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
How to Get Past That Inner Critic
I like to think that we can TRAIN the inner critc, first to become a NOTICER, and then, a SUGGESTER.
The Critic likes to ask, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?
But the critic has no idea who you are. The critic only knows who you're not.
Making Comics and Graphic Literature Roundtable Discussion - Hosted by Tom Hart and Kelcey Ervick
This will be a virtual roundtable discussing the possibility of graphic literature from the frame work of The Field Guide to Graphic Literature: Artists and Writers on Creating Graphic Narratives, Poetry Comics, and Literary Collage, Edited by Kelcey Ervick & Tom Hart
What's been happening at SAW lately?
Check out what we’ve all been up to the last few weeks in the SAW courses and Mighty Network groups!
Happy National Native American Heritage Month!
As a tribute to National Native American Heritage Month, and National Native American Heritage Day (which is observed the day after Thanksgiving), we want to shed light on some awesome comics and comic resources portraying Native American cartoonists’ experiences, heritage, and stories. Check it out!
Transgender Awareness and Comics
The majority of the public's education and awareness about the transgender community has been informed by the media (films, books, art, etc). A lot of this media, however, overwhelmingly misrepresents and mischaracterizes who trans people really are and the attitude the public should have toward trans individuals.
For Transgender Awareness Week, I want to highlight some Transgender cartoonists who share their experiences, educate about pronouns, or are just openly Transgender cartoonists.
How to Improve (with Sidney Davidson)
Seeking improvement is a part of being human. Most of us want to “upgrade,” “one-up,” and consistently advance in our life, especially in our creative journey. It’s natural and just comes with the territory of being human.
But how does one improve?
How do we get better, when progress feels so slow?
Sidney Davidson, a Teacher at SAW, offers some insight after being asked “How to Improve.”