Come check out the recent comics up on #SeeSAWComics!
The Pursuit of Unhappiness
MB Aschner added a new comic, "Washing Dishes," to The Pursuit of Unhappiness!
Chicken Scratch
Jeannie Mecorney has graced us with more Chicken Scratch comics!
In The News, Again
Adrean Clark's The Way Above is the latest installment from the FLOW + PUBLISH nonfiction anthology! (You can buy the anthology in full at our shop!)
More from the Year-Long Intensive
Read Pigeons by Dana Cox, Wellspring by Rachel Alatalo, Caution by Sofia Palma, and more!
Friday Night Comics!
Check out the comics made during our weekly Friday Night workshops, most recently with Sol Brager and Heather Loase!
Catch up on what you've missed aT!
See SAW Comics is designed to be read on both mobile and desktop. Take a detour off Instagram and go see what SAW students and faculty have been up to!