SAW Friday Night Comics: The Bad Art Hour with Daryl Seitchik
The Bad Art Hour with Daryl Seitchik, November 12, 2021
“Come make “bad art” with us!”
In this engaging podcast episode, we'll explore the remarkable world of artistic freedom and the beauty that emerges from embracing mistakes. Join us as we dive into a captivating workshop led by Daryl, a talented cartoonist and educator hailing from the picturesque state of Vermont.
Daryl is a cartoonist and teacher currently living in Vermont. She graduated cum laude with a B.A. in Art History and Visual Art from Barnard College in 2012, and received an MFA in cartooning from the Center for Cartoon Studies in 2018. She has taught comics workshops for children, teens, and adults at schools, libraries, and museums all throughout New England, and has enjoyed expanding her reach through virtual classes on Zoom. Daryl was nominated for an Ignatz Award for Promising New Talent in 2014, and her first graphic novel, EXITS (Koyama Press, 2016) and was nominated for an Eisner Award. Her work has appeared in The New Yorker and dozens of other publications.
Ready to embark on a journey of creative exploration? Tune in to this episode and let Daryl's wisdom and experience inspire your own artistic endeavors.
Listen In For Insights On:
How high expectations for creating "good" art can block creativity.
Creating "imperfect" art without worrying about expectations can still be enjoyable and thought-provoking.
There's no such thing as good or bad art – it's all just art.