Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
More Graphic Novel Editing, Another Comparison
Try to focus on "what I have in my hands right now" (skills and abilities) not “who I wish I was of Future Me Who is Much Better at Drawing and Socializing and Unafraid of All Things.”
Procreate Talk and Tech Tips!
In the last few weeks, SAW student Donna Druchunas began hosting tutorial videos for Procreate in SAW’s main online community! Read on to see more!
Starting With One Thing and Ending Up With Another
Recent post excerpt from SAW Instructor Jess Ruliffson in our Six-Month Graphic Novel Intensive on process and creating “timeless and honest work that that sits on the waves of the shifting currents.”
An Article About Grief
An article Tom Hart shared recently in our Graphic Memoir Intensive on GRIEF and how it affects us physically, mentally, and who we are. Check it out here.
Imposter Syndrome and What I Have to Offer
Imposter syndrome, trouble drawing from my imagination, what do I have to offer, and time… does everyone deal with this?
Make Small Things and Finish
Draw the critic. Have a dialogue with it. Talk to it. Pick it with pins. Visualizing the internal struggles we have usually helps (a little). You just gotta transfer your understanding and competence with finishing something you can typically finish to comics. Not your competence with the medium, just your competence with finishing.
Do You Ever Worry That You Won't Get it Right?
Do You Ever Worry That You Won't Get it Right? Here are some thoughts from NY Bestselling Graphic Novelist and SAW Founder, Tom Hart.