Here’s the place to check out everything that’s been going on at SAW including what we're learning, reading and drawing.
Cartooning Detailed Caves Of Wonder!
Thoughts from Justine Andersen:
“So in an attempt to tone down the anxiety level regards the more advanced level of this class, let's look at a few more "cartoony" examples of "caves of wonder," and let's start with one of the very BEST! Maurice Noble's backgrounds for Ali Baba Bunny…
On how to become an artist or a dolphin trainer.
In fourth grade I announced (to everyone) that I was either going to be a comic book artist or a dolphin trainer.
But there were some really big problems straight out of the gate.
Mara in Progress
Justine Andersen has been busy making Mara again, and here is a glimpse into this masterful work.