Graphic Medicine Frontline comics reading Replay
We had a marvelous live Graphic Medicine reading February 2025. Five stories, six readers. Multiple looks into the difficulties of communication and resolution in frontline healthcare.
Our readers: Rachel Casas, internist at Penn State Health read COMING HOME, about the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mahour Pourghadim + Sadaf Faghini read WASH HANDS AFTER READING, about political obfuscation and death in the early days of the pandemic.
Jess Ruliffson read THE SISTERS, episode 4 of ICU Stories, about tending to elderly patients in the ICU.
Janice Goldberg read MEDICAL GASLIGHTING, about trying to be heard and advocate for one’s own health in the face of a tradition.
And Michael Green, co-founder of Graphic Medicine read an excerpt from A YEAR OF MOURNING about the death of his father.
Click below to watch these amazing stories and hear the fabulous discussion we had afterwards.
After the reading, our discussion went to topics of empathy, communication, bridging the gap between two causes and multiple sets of needs and points of view, and to the simple subject of drawing and art-making. Our post-talk conversation was deep and wonderful, take a look! And get on our mailing list to hear about future events