Four-week short project group goes live November 25
Need accountability and feedback? In this Short Project Group you'll be sharing, critiquing and receiving and giving in-depth feedback on your latest project. Whether it’s a short genre piece, or a long-form non-fiction, we’re giving you the chance to work with others to develop your work.
Led by SAW's Emma Jensen and Tom Hart, who will also be sharing their works in progress, this online group gives you the chance to share your process, check in with others and take your work where you want it to go.
How does it work? From week one you’ll share your project through our dedicated Mighty Network group. By the end of the week, you’ll have had the chance to give feedback on other peoples work and hear back on yours. Given the short amount of time, each week requires minimum 30-60 minutes input (plus whatever time you put into your own work!)
Emma and Tom will be workshopping their latest work as well! (Don’t worry, yours doesn’t have to be about water!)
More than just feedback on your work, you have the opportunity to use Emma and Tom has a resource for the length of the course. Got questions about drawing, writing, structure, work habits etc? The expertise and resources of SAW are at your virtual fingers.
Our first group starts right BEFORE thanksgiving so you can read other’s work while avoiding your family! It will continue for a free 5th week if necessary!