2014-2015 Round Up!
The 2014-2015 year is over and what a great year we had. A quick round up! View lots more pics on Flickr here
The class after the first figure drawing class
First sharing of work in Justine's class
Exploring the Risograph's mechanics.
Leela leads them through more figure drawing.
Josh Neufeld Comes to Visit, discusses his work and non-fiction comics
Mask work in Sheila Bishop's class.
First Projects
Jason Little visits, teaches perspective and 3-D Comics and then visits gators
the amazing and generous George Pratt visited and demoed and lectured.
First end of semester Riso books
Meanwhile Justine is making a Little Nemo tribute for the local CRA.
End of Semester Show
Visiting the new art store (nice logo!)
Justine shows work in progress on CRA book.
Leela demos gouache in illustration class.
Aidan Koch week-long workshop
Ed Piskor week-long workshop
More mask work
Jess Ruliffson visits, demoes painting and shows her work to the community.
![Screen Shot 2015-04-05 at 11.23.54 PM](https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5343/17339781979_525a504946_q.jpg)
Meanwhile the CRA booklet is printed.
And Leela's cover for the new Mountain Goats record.
Final books come off the Riso, headed for conventions like Fluke and MOCCA.
Craig Bostick visits
Annie Goetzinger speaks at UF
Some final illustrations
Final Art Show
Graduation on Newnan's Lake
Prepping next year's space as we expand into 2016
Not pictured: Tom Galambos, UF Comics Conference...